Customer relationship management (CRM) has become a business discipline unto itself, as companies explore more sophisticated strategies for retaining customers. Part marketing and part business strategy, CRM takes an analytical approach to customer acquisition and retention.
Customer management MBAs introduce managers to CRM technology and processes, and teach them how to implement customer management strategies that match their business goals. In addition to traditional marketing coursework such as consumer behavior and market research, the customer management specialization includes courses in service operations management, contact optimization, call center technology, pricing optimization, financial forecasts, data mining, and more.
The MBA in customer management is an asset to managers in corporate marketing, sales, and strategy roles. Online programs allow even the busiest professionals to take advantage of CRM training on their schedules. MBA graduates typically experience a 35% increase in salary as well as enhanced job performance. No degree can guarantee earnings, but marketing and customer service managers make upwards of $87,640, the median salary in 2004.
Customer relationship management has emerged as a critical facet of business strategy. A specialized MBA can help managers leverage the power of CRM technology and analytical processes to boost the bottom line–and their careers as well.