Baby, what’s your sign?
Up until recently, that question’s most likely answer was, “Beat it, creep.” Now the question invites a full-fledged identity crisis because a few astronomers did a little bit of stellar math and adjusted the dates for all the signs of the zodiac to account for the Earth’s wobbly axis. They also resurrected a “lost” 13th sign, Ophiuchus, which requires that anyone born under the sign be able to pronounce it (hint: off-ih-YOU-kuss).
Plenty of astrology experts say this new zodiac isn’t new and isn’t news–it’s called the sidereal zodiac; the Western world uses the slightly different tropical zodiac based on the seasons which means the zodiac dates stay the same and you don’t need to fret about putting your goat tattoo out to pasture. But have you considered that perhaps Fate’s hand is giving you an opportunity to reinvent yourself, to choose your sign and to make some star-studded life changes, especially to your career? Whatever your old or new zodiac signs, baby, there’s a perfect career and degree program to go along with it.
Aries: The ram
Tropical zodiac: March 21 – April 19
Sidereal zodiac: April 18 – May 13
You’re creative, adaptive and strong-willed–which means you know how to win an argument. Why not put that to use in the courtroom?
- Best career for Aries: Attorney
- Best degree programs for Aries: Any bachelor’s degree followed by a Juris Doctor (JD) degree
Taurus: The bull
Tropical zodiac: April 20 – May 20
Sidereal zodiac: May 13 – June 21
You might be stubborn, but that just means you like to see things through. You’re also efficient, practical, and a perfect fit for a job as the bullish boss.
- Best career for Taurus: CEO or general manager
- Best degrees for Taurus: Master of Business Administration/MBA
Gemini: The twins
Tropical zodiac: May 21 – June 20
Sidereal zodiac: June 21 – July 20
An understanding, charismatic person like yourself can help people through a lot, and you have an uncanny knack for seeing both side of the argument.
- Best career for Gemini: Counselor
- Best degrees for Gemini: Master’s degree in marriage and family counseling
Cancer: The crab
Tropical zodiac: June 21 – July 22
Sidereal zodiac: July 20 – August 10
With your love for beginnings, family and home-life, there’s no better place for you than around children. Earn your degree online, so you don’t have to take time away from the kids.
- Best career for Cancer: In-home childcare provider
- Best degree programs for Cancer: An online associate or bachelor’s degree in early childhood education
Leo: The lion
Tropical zodiac: July 23 – August 22
Sidereal zodiac: August 10 – September 16
You’re a natural born leader. You exude power and have a gift for making the right decision quickly–especially when it isn’t an obvious one.
- Best career for Leo: Politician
- Best degree programs for Leo: Bachelor’s degree in government or political science, followed by Master of Public Administration degree or a Juris Doctor in law
Virgo: The virgin
Tropical zodiac: August 23 – September 22
Sidereal zodiac: September 16 – October 30
A social being with an analytical edge, you’re probably already planning your next party. Stop moonlighting, and follow your passion.
- Best career for Virgo: Event planner
- Best degree programs for Virgo: A certificate or associate degree in event planning
Libra: The scales
Tropical zodiac: September 23 – October 22
Sidereal zodiac: October 30 – November 23
Balance is the name of your game. You crave it; you create it. And you know how to make your point.
- Best career for Libra: Arbitrator/mediator
- Best degrees for Libra: Bachelor’s degree in conflict management and resolution (online degree available)
Scorpio: The scorpion
Tropical zodiac: October 23 – November 21
Sidereal zodiac: November 23 – November 29
You are bold and nearly unshakably focused, both of which make you perfectly suited for a career upholding the law.
- Best career for Scorpio: Police officer
- Best degrees for Scorpio: Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice
Ophiuchus: The serpent bearer
Sidereal zodiac: November 29 – December 17
Classically associated with doctors and the healing arts, it’s no surprise that you’re destined for medicine. Your penchant for bright colors could come in handy when it’s time to pick out scrubs, too.
- Best career for Ophiuchus: Nurse
- Best degrees for Ophiuchus: Bachelor’s degree in nursing
Sagittarius: The centaur
Tropical zodiac: November 22 – December 21
Sidereal zodiac: December 17 – January 20
The focused and intense philosopher, you were born to put pen to page. You also like to put your mental pursuits first, which means a career that lets you roam would be best.
- Best career for Sagittarius: Writer
- Best degrees for Sagittarius: Bachelor’s degree in English or journalism
Capricorn: The goat
Tropical zodiac: December 22 – January 19
Sidereal zodiac: January 20 – February 16
A highly intelligent, practical, systematic and organized person like yourself can make numbers dance. Cash in on an in-demand career that highlights your strengths.
- Best career for Capricorn: Accountant
- Best degrees for Capricorn: Bachelor’s degree in accounting
Aquarius: The water bearer
Tropical zodiac: January 20 – February 18
Sidereal zodiac: February 16 – March 11
You’re known as the humanitarians of the zodiac. Add that to your ability to produce success from unlikely beginnings and an unflagging trustworthiness, and you’ve got yourself a great career path.
- Best career for Aquarius: Nonprofit executive director
- Best degrees for Aquarius: MBA in nonprofit management
Pisces: The fish
Tropical zodiac: February 19 – March 20
Sidereal zodiac: March 11 – April 18
As a collector of knowledge with a flair for generosity and devotion, you’ve got a great future in education. Take up the cause of some thirsty-for-knowledge youngsters, and settle in for a life-long, happy career.
- Best career for Pisces: Elementary school teacher
- Best degrees for Pisces: Bachelor’s degree in elementary education
Not convinced it’s the best career for your sign? You can either bust out the tarot deck for a bit more guidance or you can take some time to research the above careers and degree programs a bit more. After all, Fate is a fickle mistress and you wouldn’t want to appear ungrateful for the opportunity, would you?