Sociology and criminal justice often go hand-in-hand. If you’re a criminal justice major looking for a few good people to follow on Twitter, we’ve got a great list to get you started. Keeping up with these sociology professors can lead to a wealth of news updates, career advice, relevant information in your field and information on the industry at large.
These instructors were selected on a wide range of criteria, including number of followers, the quality of their tweets, the universities or colleges they work for, and the most active users. There are department heads, adjunct professors, authors, speakers and even a former secretary of labor. They come from all corners of the globe, teach in all types of academic settings and offer up insights that are sometimes serious, sometimes humorous, but always relevant.
In no particular order, here are 50 sociology instructors to follow on Twitter:
@davepurcell Dave Purcell, Kent State:
This frequent tweeter, singer/songwriter and associate professor has been at Kent State since 2007.
@JillMcCorkel Jill McCorkel, Villanova University:
A well-published professor, she offers daily insights that could be helpful to the criminal justice major.
@mikestout_msu Mike Stout, Missouri State University:
At Missouri State since 2007, Stout tweets every few days about community and the economy.
@JodyAVallejo Jody Agius Vallejo, University of Southern California:
Her almost-daily tweets focus on immigration, race/ethnicity, middle class minorities, inequality and more.
@simon_lindgren Simon Lindgren, Umea University, Sweden:
He’s into online networks and analyzing digital media, takes lots of photographs and tweets quite often.
@OCSociologyProf Rachel Ridnor, Saddleback College and Orange Coast College:
These occasional tweets offer interesting sociology links and insights from their Media blog.
@techsoc Zeynep Tufekci, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill:
This assistant professor and frequent tweeter explores the intersection of technology and society.
@smzavestoski Stephen Zavestoski, University of San Francisco:
These almost-daily tweets cover environmental issues, relevant links and his avid love of cycling.
@feministfatale Melanie Klein, California State University Northridge:
Her regular, insightful tweets on body image, feminist issues and pop culture can make you think.
@sober_sociology Paula Teander, Wake Technical Community College:
This mother, runner, music lover and feminist tweets about it all with regular, interesting missives.
@praxishabitus Gerardo Marti, Davidson College:
This freshly-published author tweets regularly on current events, religion, race, social change and pop culture.
@Shelia_Cotten Shelia Cotten, University of Alabama, Birmingham:
Dr. Cotten tweets every few days on the social impacts of technology. And occasionally, sports.
@andreadoucet Andrea Doucet, Brock University:
This healthy sprinkling of tweets focus on gender differences and equality.
@socprofjones Nikki Jones, University of California, Santa Barbara:
The author of “Between Good and Ghetto” uses twitter to share interesting links that relate to sociology.
@jmmeij J.M. Meij, Florida Gulf Coast University:
This associate professor offers occasional tweets with interesting sociology links and some discussion.
@lisadwade Lisa Wade, Occidental College:
Daily, highly relevant and sometimes irreverent tweets make this assistant professor a sure bet to follow.
@jeremyfreese Jeremy Freese, Northwestern University:
Occasional tweets touch on politics, current events, sports and anything else that strikes his fancy.
@JessieNYC Jessie Daniels, City University of New York:
This very busy tweeter and blogger has her finger on the pulse of sociology issues. A must-read.
@saragoldrickrab Sara Goldrick-Rab, University of Wisconsin, Madison:
A very active tweeter, she engages in lively discussions and provides plenty of links for reading.
@ileducprof Venus Evans-Winters, Illinois State University:
These tweets are a gold-mine of current events, relevant links and musings on the state of the world.
@sexysociologist Sociology Professor,
This anonymous sociology professor is witty, informative and fun to read.
@alondra Alondra Nelson, Columbia University:
This very active tweeter has thousands of followers and plenty to say about current events.
@SaskiaSassen Saskia Sassen, Columbia University:
A frequent tweet center for globalization, immigration, global cities and new technologies.
@sladner Sam Ladner, Ryerson’s School of Management:
This constant tweeter is also a consultant who loves golf and step aerobics.
@profgesser Chad Gesser, Owensboro Community and Technical College:
Constant tweeter with a sense of humor, this feed is full of resources for the sociology student.
@SociologyLens Sociology Lens,
This team of sociology experts offer regular links to new articles, posts and other relevant information.
@profragsdale Rhonda Ragsdale, Lone Star College:
Frequent tweeter with thousands of followers, focused on social movements, migration and more.
@SocProf Anonymous
This anonymous professor shares daily tweets on current events, musings and music.
@professorgal Elaine Replogle, University of Oregon:
Very active and liberal tweeter who enjoys gardening, blogging and lively discussion.
@Socio101 Rod B. Scherich, Greenville Technical College:
Daily tweets, mentions and discussions on global issues. Plenty of links.
@kjhealy Kieran Healy, Duke University:
Witty, regular tweets from a professor who studies the moral order of market society.
@marc_smith Marc Smith, University of Maryland:
A wealth of daily tweets, mentions, follows and interesting technology links.
@dhirajmurthy Dhiraj Murthy, Bowdoin College:
Occasional tweets on his sociology focus: technology and social networks.
@tanyagolashboza Tanya Golash-Boza, University of Kansas:
Activist, blogger, mother and author tweets often and enjoys lively discussion on Twitter.
@tmcgett Tim McGettigan, Colorado State University, Pueblo:
Regular tweets with excellent links about technology, science, the future and more.
@louiseroth Louise Roth, University of Arizona:
Occasional tweets that are always packed with great information and links to share.
@ElifAndac Elif Andac, University of Kansas:
Tweets every few weeks on issues in the middle east, Turkey and global politics.
@craigjcalhoun Craig Calhoun, New York University:
Relevant politics tweets and links from the founding director of NYU’s Institute for Public Knowledge.
@ProfessorVanRy Veronica Lynne, Taft College:
Regular tweets and interesting links from this author, photographer and “starving artist.”
@Audrey_Sprenger Audrey Sprenger, The State University of New York:
Frequent fun, witty tweets with a focus on Kerouac, interesting links and discussion.
@gwensharpnv Gwen Sharp, Nevada State College:
Regular tweets that cover pop culture, relevant links and witty musings.
@fabiorojas Fabio Rojas, Indiana University:
This author of “From Black Power to Black Studies” shares occasional links and discussions.
@JoeFeagin Joe Feagin, Texas A & M:
This professor, chess player and author focuses on racism in occasional tweets.
@kinggary Gary King, Harvard University:
Over 14,000 followers get regular tweets on everything from politics to education.
@ArtJipson Art Jipson, University of Dayton:
This popular music lover offers valuable tweets, particularly for the criminal justice major.
@RBReich Robert Reich, University of California at Berkeley
Almost 60,000 followers tune in for this former Secretary of Labor’s tweets on the economy.
@edwardwalker Edward Walker, University of California, Los Angeles:
Semi-regular tweets on politics and industry, social movements and public participation.
@drewhalfmann Drew Halfmann, University of California Davis:
Occasional tweets focus on health, politics and movements for change.
@peacesociology Lee Smithey, Swarthmore College:
Offers relevant, no-nonsense occasional links on social uprisings and global conflict.
@GabrielRossman Gabriel Rossman, University of California, Los Angeles:
Very active with good discussion, relevant links and info on social networks and culture.