What is WorldWideLearn.com?
We aim to be the best possible resource for current and future college students of all types. On this site you’ll find detailed information about specific fields of study and the careers that may follow. Explore paths in everything from chemical engineering to interior design. All the information we provide is in an effort to help you make informed decisions when pursuing a post-secondary education.
WorldWideLearn is owned by EducationDynamics, a privately held corporation that operates an education and media online business. EducationDynamics’ headquarters are located at 15200 Santa Fe Trail Drive #200, Lenexa, KS 66219.
How does it work?
Browse through our Guide to Majors, a comprehensive source of insight for each specific major. Read through our Articles and Rankings sections, where we combine insightful commentary with unique data analysis. When you’re ready, let us match you to a school based on your educational preferences. Through our vast network of partner schools we have the ability to recommend a set of schools that best suits your needs and personal goals.
What will I find in the Guide to Majors?
The Guide to Majors contains all of our Online Education Guides. The information within each guide is geared to help you decide if a particular field of study is right for you. The Guides are organized by broad subject matter, such as Business or Education. From there you’ll find a bird’s-eye view of that subject, along with career path options and salary information. After that, you can choose an associated major, such as Accounting or Educational Administration, to get even more in-depth information on specific degree options, available career options, and keys to success with that major. Each major guide provides real world scenarios and advice on how to make the most of your education.